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Volcanoes & Passes Motorcycle Tour - Part 2

Geführte Tour - 10 Tage/ 9 Nächte


1497 Meilen
2395.2 km
Sommer, Frühling, Herbst
60 - 85 °F
15.6 - 29.4 °C

Few riders get the opportunity to ride over a minimum of nine mountain passes with some approaching 10,000 feet in elevation all in the span of a little over a week. Now that’s a trip that you will talk about for the rest of your life. A rider’s ride is the best way to explain this tour. EagleRider is sparking the spirit with our new Passes Motorcycle Tour. The concept is simple; create a route with the not so traveled roads, hitting iconic destinations, crisscrossing the mountain passes of the mighty Sierra Nevada mountains in California all the while giving riders their favorite motorcycle to ride. We included stopping at amazing motorcycle-friendly hotels, hook up with a great group of new friends to ride with, and follow the whole thing up with EagleRider’s 24/7 On-Road Support and Luggage Transport. And if that’s not enough, wrap it all up for a price that riders could never pull off on their own! If you have ever dreamed of riding the northern part of Washington state all with way to Southern California, then this is the trip you have been waiting a lifetime for.

Erfahren sie wie sie bis zu €3,055.92 pro Person sparen können!

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Erfahren sie wie sie bis zu €3,055.92 pro Person sparen können!


Volcanoes & Passes Motorcycle Tour - Part 2

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Beginnt um €2,904.01
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